Leadership & Staff

Lead Pastor
Steeve Caesar

Rev. Steeve L. Caesar has been an ordained minister with the General Council of the Assemblies of God, Springfield, Missouri, USA, since 1998. He holds a bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies (Southeastern University, Lakeland, Florida) and a master's degree in Education and Leadership (College of St. Elizabeth, New Jersey). Rev. Steeve Caesar is a deliberate expositor of the Bible who accentuates the importance of biblical literacy which engenders progressive sanctification, spiritual maturity and discipleship. Pastor Steeve Caesar was appointed Lead Pastor of Irvington Assembly of God Church in 2010. His mission and vision for Irvington Assembly of God and Body of Christ is an echo of the Apostle Paul who prayed regarding the Church at Ephesus: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13).

Pastor Festus Richards

Pastor Festus Richards is a graduate of the Linden AOG Church Bible School in Guyana, South America. He migrated from Guyana to USA in 1993. He is an Assistant Pastor and Coordinator for Evangelism at Irvington AOG Church. Presently he is functioning with disability because of Parkinson's disease since 2011. His Mission is to conduct Evangelistic Meetings in Irvington and it's neighboring communities. His vision is for Irvington AOG Church to become a witnessing church which is our Jerusalem Acts 1:8. He is married, has three children and two grandchildren.

Pastor Lynette Baptiste

Pastor Lynette Baptiste worked assiduously with her husband Rev Winston Baptiste at Fruits of Calvary Assembly of God, Linden, Guyana. She is a graduate of Linden Bible School and had done Bible courses with Berean Bible College. She was the Superintendent for the Sunday School at Fruits of Calvary, whereby many out-stations and Sunday Schools were formed. She was also involved in the Intercessory Prayer Group. Pastor Lynette migrated to the United States of America in 1993. She is currently in charge of Pastoral Care Ministry at Irvington Assembly of God and is the Pastor in charge of Christian Education. She is a trained teacher but works currently at a Nursing Home. She has two children and three grandchildren.

Rev. Winston Robert Baptiste

Rev Winston Robert Baptiste pastored the Fruits of Calvary Assemblies of God church, Linden, Guyana for approximately eleven years. He is a graduate of the Linden Bible School and also Caribbean School of Theology. He had his Masters in Social Work and lectured at Seton Hall University and Bloomfield College. During his tenure at Fruits of Calvary he was involved in soul-winning, home visitation, school ministry, Evangelism and Deliverance Ministries. He was also a lecturer at the Linden Bible School. Rev Winston Robert Baptiste migrated to the United States of America in 1994. He saw the need to have a work established so he started. He is married to Pastor Lynette Baptiste and has two children and three grandchildren. His motto is: Prayer, Power, Progress.Reverend